Cletus Judge is originally from a small town just south of Mobile Alabama called Stockton. He was raised by his grandparents – his grandfather worked as a farmer and his grandmother was a domestic worker for a family. They instilled in him a work ethic and an obligation to seek higher education. He graduated from the University of South Alabama in 1987 with a degree in Political Science and a minor in Military Science. He was commissioned a 2nd Lt through the ROTC program while in college. He also holds an MBA from University of Dallas from 2001.
Cletus joined the Dallas police dept in Sept of 1987 and retired in May of 2018. He worked in several units within the Dept. including as an instructor at the Police academy for 9 years. He was a Robbery detective for 2 years, Sgt in CAPERS and his last 5 years he served as a Sgt in Homicide.
Cletus is currently an administrator at Dallas College over the police academy. He has been married to Marrietta Judge for 26 years and has 2 adult sons and an 8yr old grandson. Cletus and Marrietta are members of St. Luke Community UM church.