I love the statement, “Instead of a person, place, or company, attach yourself to a mission, purpose, or calling.”
Do you have a personal mission statement that defines and guides your life? People can leave us, places change, and companies come and go. If you define yourself by these items, or worse, attach your identity and joy to their well-being, you build your life on very unstable ground.
If you choose to define your life by a mission, purpose, or calling, you create a much stronger platform and an identity that will outlast the trials and challenges of life.
My personal mission statement is “Love God, serve people, share the gospel, and live the pursuit of growth.”
My daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly life goals define how I accomplish this statement. What does it mean to love God? How do I serve people? Why should I share the gospel? What goals am I actively pursuing through the pursuit of growth lifestyle? I regularly create specific goals based on the answers to these questions. Frankly, I will never run out of goals to pursue for my mission.
I read and focus on my mission statement every morning and ask myself how I can utilize the opportunities in both my personal life and professional life to live out my calling. I can accomplish my purpose and goals regardless of what people come and go in my life. I can accomplish my purpose and goals regardless of where I live. I can accomplish my purpose and goals regardless of my professional career failures and accomplishments. In fact, each day provides new and unique ways in both my personal and professional life on how I can “Love God, serve people, share the gospel, and live the pursuit of growth.”
What is your personal mission statement?
Live The Pursuit of Growth.