- Everyone talks about the importance of a consistent morning routine for a successful life. But it’s your evening routine that makes your morning routine possible.
- The quickest way to get out of a bad mood is to do something nice for someone.
- Equipped with the right attitude, life is limitless.
- Identifying accountability partners is one of the best decisions you can make in terms of achieving your goals.
- The change in your mindset to focus on the joy found in active progress and not only finite achievement will radically change your life.
- View adversity as an opportunity to strengthen your character.
- Don’t raise your voice, improve your argument.
- The mind and body are not separate. What affects one affects the other.
- Trials will bury you or build you. It’s your choice.
- Success in your career is amplified by the work you do after you’ve finished what you’re supposed to do.
- Celebrate success each day, especially the small stuff.
- The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it.
- Stop complaining.
- The wise person addresses conflict face to face. The foolish person addresses conflict Facebook to Facebook.
- Good connections are about people not social networks.
- If you want a different result, try different actions and habits. If you plant corn, don’t be shocked when you grow corn.
- Give gratitude for the challenges in your life, and believe they are opportunities to grow.
- Replace weak thoughts with strong thoughts and silence the critic inside your head.
- Instead of judging others with malice, look at others with curiosity.
- Stop making excuses.
- We grow what we feed ourselves, both positive and negative. What are you feeding yourself? What are you truly pursuing?
- Do more than just exist.
- If you don’t face your fears, you’ll never conquer them.
- Do you put “have fun” on your to-do list each day?
- A plan, action, and commitment make you stronger. This is true in the gym. This is true in life.
- Motivation and inspiration are good, but habits and processes are far superior.
- The best way to learn the value of health is to speak with someone who doesn’t have it.
- Who will you help today?
- Authority is the position; leadership is the character of the player. What areas of life do you have authority? How are you growing as a leader?
- Two good talkers are not worth one good listener.
- No masterpiece was ever created by a lazy artist.
- Your negativity and victim mentality do nothing to improve a circumstance.
- Take ownership of your life.
- Where can you show patience instead of irritability?
- If your goal is to is to persuade someone’s point of view to that of your own, avoid losing your temper, using inflammatory language, and making fun of the other person’s beliefs. The moment you stoop to these examples you have lost.
- Where can you behave with persuasiveness instead of powerlessness?
- People typically find it easy to name their goals, but, pursuing and accomplishing them is nearly impossible without a proper plan.
- A positive attitude does not ignore difficulties, it provides the strength to overcome them.
- Standing and sitting with good posture improves health, energy, and self-confidence.
- If you commit to the pursuit of growth lifestyle, there is no promise that your life will become easy, glamorous, or free from obstacles, but it will become full of purpose.
- What is the purpose of your life? How do you answer this question?
- Seek the help of others as opposed to feeling insignificant from not having the ability to accomplish a task or goal alone. There is power in needing people.
- Overcome the fear of rejection, and you will become unstoppable.
- When planning your week, set goals to relax.
- “I can’t” is easily switched to “I can.”
- Whenever God gives us a cross to bear, it is also prophecy that he will give us strength. It’s our role to use it.
- All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your destination. Knowing where you are going is the first step to get there. You can’t get lost of a straight road.
- Your willingness to sacrifice directly determines your level of success. What will you sacrifice to achieve your goals?
- Simplicity will provide comfort in your life. It assists in creating enhanced focus on your most important needs by eliminating the clutter of your wants.
- Time is more valuable than money. How are you investing it?
- Schedule time for creativity.
- Learn what triggers your anger and plan how to control it when it appears.
- Choose your battles wisely. Most conflicts are petty and will fade into the abyss. Ignore them. Save your strength to face the battles worth fighting for.
- Identify your blind spots.
- Know your body language.
- Prioritize time to daydream.
- Be decisive.
- Encourage someone today.
- Let go of the past. It’s history.
- The Law of the Harvest states you reap what you sow. Future outcomes are determined by present actions. Choose your actions wisely.
- Do not pray for a lighter load but pray for a stronger back.
- Travel with your friends.
- Define your why and focus on it daily.
- Your trials are opportunities in disguise.
- Few things are as simple and beneficial as taking a walk.
- Patience is not passive; on the contrary, it is active; it is concentrated strength.
- Wanting less will bring you greater joy than accumulating more.
- Write down all your goals!
- Written goals with action plans turn wishes into reality.
- There are few things that can affect the overall quality of your life as significantly as your attitude.
- One of the best decisions you can make is to choose a personal Board of Directors of people you can lean on for support in the areas of life that matter to you most.
- If you fail to set and adhere to healthy personal boundaries, you are at high risk of allowing others to control how you think, feel, and act.
- Both individual and organizational greatness is tied to their culture of accountability.
- To appear confident, focus on your body language. Only 7% of your communication is verbal. Maintain good posture. Make eye contact when speaking and listening. Manage your facial expression to match your message. Dress appropriately for the occasion. Prepare. Inner confidence is grown by hours, days, weeks, months, and years of practice and preparation.
- The ability to control your emotions, remain calm and in control, recognize emotions in others, and manage how you respond to criticism is critical for growing past plateaus.
- When you possess a powerful “why”, a powerful plan, a powerful combination of confidence, commitment, and optimism, and a powerful set of habits rooted in excellence, you have the tools necessary to develop grit.
- How would your life change if you replaced the negative emotions derived from your problems with gratitude for the opportunities they present?
- You must find opportunities in your life to push yourself out of your comfort zone. These opportunities surround you each day. A habit of taking risks, whether succeeding or failing, overcomes fear through facing and doing things that originally make you feel uncomfortable.
- If something is bothering you take responsibility and own the problem! Either fix it or accept that nothing can be done right now. Complaining is a passive activity. Change your complaining into action to solve the problem or simply accept it and give your mind something else to focus on.
- All problems, trials, or frustrations have positive attributes if you search deep enough.
- When criticized, ask yourself, “Is the criticism true or false?” If false, let it go and focus on moving forward without thinking of it again. If true, embrace it, and take action to improve.
- When you make a mistake, speak up and own your mistake. Never make an excuse or blame others. Instead, state what you learned and share how you will use the lesson to improve. Most importantly, do it.
- There is a war raging inside your head and it is between you and you.
- How often we look upon God as our last resource. We go to him because we have nowhere else to go. And then we learn that the storms of life have driven us not upon the rocks, but to the desired haven.
- You must decisively eliminate the opinions of people who have no credibility to provide valid opinions or helpful feedback. If they don’t matter, they don’t matter.
- The goal of confrontation should not focus on a verbal or physical fight, but instead, the sincere search for alignment.
- If you lose your temper, you have lost your argument.
- Focus on the fact that your goal is not to win the argument or change the other person’s opinion, your goal is to effectively present your case.
- Perhaps the best place to start in your pursuit of growth in faith in God is by asking yourself the question, “What do I believe, and why?” Are you basing your beliefs on feelings, assumptions, perceptions, or evidence and truth?
- Focus on the details. This habit will cost you time, but save you pain.
- Pay attention to your tone. It’s not only what you say, it’s how you say it.
- Comparison to others is the thief of joy.
- The difference between confidence and insecurity is preparation.
- The people closest to you influence the way you think, feel, act, and live. Who have you selected to live in your inner circle?
- Never stop intentionally learning.
- There are too many people praying for mountains of difficulty to be removed, when what they really need is prayer for courage to climb them.
- You don’t fail to achieve your goals because of lack of talent or skills. You fail to achieve your goals because you fail to build the right plans for success.
- Never lose. Win or learn.
- Live the pursuit of growth.
Let’s make it 100. What tip would you add?